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Hanriot confronts deputies of the Convention
The Insurrection of May 31 – June 2 1793, during the French Revolution, started after the Paris Commune demanded that 22 Girondin deputies and members of the Commission of Twelve should be brought before the Revolutionary Tribunal. The result was the fall of the 29 Girondins and two Ministers under pressure from the sans-culottes, the Jacobins among the various clubs, and Montagnards. This insurrection stands as one of the three great popular insurrections of the French Revolution, following those of July 14, 1789 and August 10, 1792. It was a further step in the radicalization of the revolution and the initiation of the Reign of Terror.

Popular Article: Mary Magdalene

"Mary Magdalene" (c. 1524) by Andrea Solari
Mary Magdalene is described, both in the canonical New Testament and in the New Testament apocrypha, as a devoted disciple of Jesus. She is considered by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican churches to be a saint, with a feast day of July 22. She is also commemorated by the Lutheran Church with a festival on the same day. Mary Magdalene's name identifies her as the "Mary of Magdala," after the town she came from, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Her name distinguishes her from the other Marys referred to throughout the New Testament. Yet the life of the historical Mary Magdalene is the subject of ongoing debate.

Did you know?

Legend says that if the six resident ravens ever leave the Tower of London, the Tower and the British kingdom will fall (source: Tower of London)
