Marx, Karl

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Comment by Conservative Will on September 24th, 2011 at 9:08 pm

Karl m
Marx was a dead beat who spent his time conning people into supporting him and his family. He was very comfortable living off the fuits of other peoples labor while he concocted these ideas of how to set up a system of enslaving the masses to lifetime of servitude while a few idialists, the eletists like himself, would direct the distribution of other poeples labor. None of his idialistic writings ever talk about benevolence, stewardship, individual responsibility, self motivation, leading by example etc. He was enveloped in the concept of haves and have not’s and that the reason he did not have what he thought he ought to have is because he was being deprived. His whole idialistis rant conveniantly ignored the generosity of his co-conspirator, EEngles, who supported him financially almost intirely. How can someone like Marx rant about the Capitalist’s being selfish with the fruitsof their laboer when he was living off their labor and not ever engaging in contributing to the pot. What a conartist.

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